Youth Night Drop-In Program
Youth Night Drop-In
Every Friday night the North Woodside Community Centre has a room open for youth ages 7-12. This program is free. Children have the opportunity to socialize with their peers and play some of their favorite games. We offer video games (Nintendo 64, X Box Wii), air hockey, arcade machine, board games, art supplies, and more.
Youth must be registered to take part in the Drop-In. Registration must be completed online. The registration button is located at the bottom of this page. The program is overseen by dedicated volunteer facilitators. Our facilitators will encourage positive behavior and interactions by the use of positive behavioral strategies.
Please read our Code of Conduct, Physical Misconduct and Consequences of Behavior listed below. Once you register your child, you have acknowledged that you have read below and understand that your child’s actions must adhere to our code of conduct and agree to work with the staff of the North Woodside Community Centre.
Participant Code of Conduct
All persons who access our programs, services and the facility itself are expected to treat each other in a respectful manner. The North Woodside Community Centre will not tolerate bullying, racism, sexual harassment, substance abuse and disrespectful behaviour displayed by children or adults towards others.
Physical Misconduct
The North Woodside Community Centre does not tolerate any form of physical aggression. Disruptive behaviour or disrespect towards others and/or their property or the Centre’s property may result in immediate dismissal from the program.
Consequences of Misbehaviour
1. Participant receives a warning from Facilitator that may involve time away from an activity; the facilitator will inform the parent.
2. If the behavior continues, parent will be called and a parent/guardian and facilitator meeting will be held and strategies will be discussed to promote positive behavior.
3. If behavior continues, the child will be suspended from the program.